We all have that enlightened moment where we have a brilliant insight—to start a new project or get back on track with an old one.
Along with it comes a tsunami of motivation: we set dates, make plans, tell people, gear up, start with full energy and focus, and… like a touch of ungraceful magic, the motivation is gone.
This leaves us with a bitter feeling of failure and questioning what’s wrong with us, right?
We feel defeated by our own mind, frustrated with our willpower, ashamed of giving up, and guilty because, in the end, we were the ones with the great idea.
If it wasn't for our petulance in thinking we could do it, nothing would be happening right now.
Does this resonate with you?
But why does it have to be so hard?
Here is the truth: it doesn’t! The thing is that when we start a project relying on motivation, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment.
The real motivation is something that comes up as you do the doing, and the right tool to use as a kickstart is something you have probably heard about many times: COMMITMENT!
Yes, this is the key that will take you to the finish line of your project, goal, or whatever you are setting for yourself.
Darren Hardy wisely said, “Commitment is doing the thing you said you would do, long after the mood you said it in has left you.” He is so right.
Our brains are wired to resist change and to save as much energy as possible, and guess what? Any life project you can think of will require creativity to deal with new actions and lots of energy to do the doing.
So how can you set yourself up for success instead?
Well, here is some info that can help you get there:
The decision-making process requires a lot of creative energy from our brains. It is the same energy that runs willpower, which is the same energy that creates—guess what?—MOTIVATION.
Think of it like you have a battery within you. This battery feeds every thought, feeling, idea, and decision you go through during the day, and it recharges as you get hydrated, eat healthy food, and mostly when you rest.
In the end, good night of sleep is what will make sure you will get your battery fully charged.
It means that when you wake up in the morning, you have a full battery, and as the day goes by, you gradually go flat (like your phone).
Now, what can you do to make sure you will stick to your plans and keep yourself committed after your motivation has abandoned you?
You need to set everything you can in advance and limit the number of decisions you have to make about it during the day.
Also, keeping yourself hydrated and well-nourished will help you think more clearly and be more motivated.
Do you want a (not so) fun fact? A dehydrated person is likely to make six times more mistakes than a well-hydrated one.
So, let’s get practical: How do you set yourself up? Here are 8 tips to help you achieve your goals without relying on the unreliable motivation:
Get organised: Pen and paper, okay? You don't want to start everything using your energy to store all the info without having a hard copy of it, right?
Write down everything you are going to need to move forward with your project—the gear, the workforce, the time.
Also, include how your agenda is looking for the week ahead. Will there be any opportunities to fit your project in? Or maybe there will be some challenges to overcome.
Write it all down.
Plan ahead: Get your gear ready, fill up your water bottle, and prepare meals or buy some healthy snacks.
Having your shoes and gym clothes ready in the morning will significantly raise the probability of you actually going to do your workout.
A full bottle of water increases the probability that you will hydrate yourself, and a healthy snack can save you from starving and digging into junk food instead of sticking with your diet.
Keep yourself accountable: Tell a friend, a family member, or get a coach.
By having to report your progress to someone, you will skyrocket your chances of doing what you need to do even when you don’t really want to do it.
As human beings, we don’t like to disappoint people, so having to tell your accountability buddy that you bailed will make you change your mind and just do whatever you said you would do.
Start small: Break down your project into bite-sized actions—a baby step every day.
Small steps are easier to keep constant and make the compound effect of time possible. It makes you create momentum by growing into a stronger version of yourself that can handle more.
Have in mind that progress isn’t linear, and it will look messy sometimes. Do not waste your decision-making energy overthinking it.
Just keep doing it and use this energy to plan how you are going to celebrate your wins.
Time block your project: Schedule time to work on your project.
Whether it’s 15, 30, or 45 minutes, every day or 2, it doesn't matter. Make sure you commit to your progress by including it in your agenda.
Set a reminder and stick with your plan. It will create a sense of accomplishment, and with it, guess what comes? Motivation.
Take yourself seriously: If you said you're going to do it, you are going to do it!
Create an identity where you tell yourself that you are true to your words.
The great damage of not doing what you told lies in the fact that when you change your mind, you are teaching your brain that you don’t value your words and creating an identity that you don’t take your decisions seriously.
On the other hand, by doing what you commit to do, you are creating an identity where your words and plans matter, and giving up isn’t an option.
Celebrate your wins: It will bring back your motivation.
When we celebrate our wins, we tell our brains that we want more of it. Therefore, the brain starts looking for more progress.
Our brains are all about positive reinforcement, so do praise your progress as you should!
Make it enjoyable: Find a way to make it fun.
Our brains are all about spending energy on things we love, so find a way to bring in more joy. Being playful is a great way of creating a fun environment.
Choose your best playlist for serious projects. Set yourself up for a bubble bath after a tiring task.
Do whatever you can and need to create a feeling of happiness and fulfilment during the process.
And remember, this is your project, your dream to make true, so it’s your responsibility to make sure you go above and beyond to successfully arrive at your destination.
About your motivation? There’s nothing more motivating in the world than a dream accomplished. It will be your fuel to become a go-getter, a creator, a well-hydrated, right-decision-making master!
There are no limits to dreams if you are willing to do what it takes and set yourself up for success.
Did it resonate with you? Do you have any other tips? Want to share your struggles?
Do you have a project and want help to make it happen?
Book your 30-minute free call here, and let’s talk about how you can get there and how I can help you.